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Heartlift – Charity by Norwegian Hospitality Group


The organization Lift Gambia provides sponsorship for school children. They have operated in the Gambia for many years and sponsored children from the beginning to the end of school. It is becoming increasingly important that all children could go to school. Education is one of the most important building blocks of a society and the way out of poverty. Their focus is on pre- and primary school education and carries out projects that promote its quality. That is their purpose and value for the new pre-school in Brufut and they are proud of what they have accomplished.
Norwegian Hospitality Group has funded this water drilling project in 2019 and 2020. 
A new water tower and clean water became available to the school and the pupils in mid-December 2019.
Now they will fulfil the dream of a viable well – drilled down to the required depth (which they do not know) to get clean drinking water. They will also connect this with a pump and the necessary pipes to provide over 400 children with fresh drinking water in their everyday lives.

In 2021 and 2022 a new project is funded by our hotel company.

Without Berit – no Heartlift – but without NHG we would have limped

Berit – our chairman of the board, who has now retired, provides everything for these children. She went down a few weeks ago to start further work at the school. For as suddenly as the shock came when the wall collapsed, we were promised more support for the school and the school children’s education.

Thor Morten Halvorsen with the company Norwegian Hospitality Group AS – who exactly two years ago donated NOK 100,000 to drilling for water and arrangements for clean drinking water and toilets at the school, contacted us again and wanted to inquire if it was liveable at the school now?.?

We quickly found out that the company would again do something good for these small – and new Kr. 100,000 were allocated. We have no words – fantastic!

Construction on the school with self-produced brick blocks, started to create a gathering place for the children, with a larger seating area with benches and tables. The school also ran out of cement, but with fresh money in the coffers, this was arranged so that the work could continue. The children at the school wear uniforms and the school’s people have started building their own small sewing room, where the plan is to hire local seamstresses – and thus ensure that the children get what they need – when they need it.

Many thanks to all of you who contribute so that we can continue this project. It is, after all, a school with a couple of hundred vulnerable children – where we know from experience that with schooling, the future is far safer, than a continued life in poverty.


As we say at the beginning of this article: When the need is greatest – help is closest! And the help it came again from our faithful friends in NHG AS. We can promise you all, that this gift was well received – and that it has already been given results.

“We are grateful for the cooperation with NHG”.

Heartlift – The board